Brendan has been sent to the naughty corner three times in his short life. One time was for biting Liam, one time was for hitting me and one time was, well I'm not exactly sure what it was for because it was Liam who sent him there...and he went. Eric and I were in the front room and the kids were in the back and we heard a couple seconds of fussing and then Liam's tiny, authoritative voice direct, "go to the naughty corner." We came out in time to see Brendan marching solemnly to the naughty corner. Liam said he was pulling on his book. Whatever the reason, he listened to Liam, with no fussing. Eric and I haven't learned the secret to getting those results yet.
Here's an op ed piece about AT&T that anyone who has ever dealt with phone and utility companies could appreciate. Check it out if you have a second.
Eric and I have been married for seven years and we have lived in seven places. In June it looks like we'll need to find a new home. :o) Someday I would like to check out Colorado and maybe the Netherlands, but I can't imagine living so far away from my family. I wonder if when we are older Eric and I will do the Peace Corps. I'm so happy I did AmeriCorps, but looking back I sort of wish I had done it for two years instead of only one. Alas.
It's 10:50pm and Liam is still talking away upstairs in his room. By the time he's asleep Brendan will probably just be waking up. Perfect...