Friday, September 21, 2012


So, I'm going to write this post for posterity.  I don't know if I wrote down the answer to Liam's preschool "What is your child like" essay question, but I believe I at least made a copy of it and have it somewhere.  I hope so anyway because that sweet boy should have some record of himself at age 3/4.  I just had to write an essay for Brendan's preschool class, and I'm going to record it here.  While I'm on the subject of bragging I have to point out that Liam requested I get from the library Brian Greene's DVD The Fabric of the Cosmos.  He's been watching online it since it re-aired on television.  I had to put it on hold since it was out but I was able to get a DVD of The Elegant Universe, which is good because he wanted Eric to read that to him.  I'm not saying he's a 6 year old astrophysicist, but I just think it is so cool that he finds that interesting, especially because it is sooooo far removed from what I found interesting as a child.  Sooooo far. 

Ok, so now I'll commence with the Brendan bragging.  This really is just for me to record somewhere what I wrote, in the very likely event I can't find the sheet for his memory box after I copy it.  I hope I can find what I wrote about Liam because I'd love to compare them.  That thing about not comparing your kids is just hooey.  I mean of course you don't compare in negatives ways, "Oh Joey is so much better than you in this way" or whatever, but the fact that kids from the same parents can be such different people is so interesting.  And as different as they are there are so many ways in which they are the same too.  And they're all awesome in their own ways.

What is your child like?
Brendan is very mature for his age.  He is exuberant, happy, loving, optimistic, inquisitive.  He is strong-willed about things that are important to him, but wants to get along with others, be involved and noticed, and have a fun time.  He is thoughtful and sincere, with a loving heart.  He does not suffer perceived injustices easily.  He is a strong extrovert, but may hang back in situations if he is unsure of his place.  He will stand up for himself.  If he is tired or not feeling well he has little patience for situations that don't go his way.  He is a consummate people person and he has a joyful soul.