Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mug's Pizza & Ribs - It's Good!

Warning - totally random stream of consciousness.
Yeah, there IS another restaurant that delivers to us that's good - Mug's Pizza & Ribs. It reminds me of Perry's. And their grilled chicken sandwich is awesome. Phew! And it's the weekend! Well it is for me since I don't work Friday - Sunday this week.
If you eat an entire batch of cookies in three days it's ok as long as they are whole wheat and oatmeal, right? I mean and chocolate chips too, but that's a given. And Liam, Eric and Brendan probably had 2 or 3 too. Combined.
Isn't it funny how 56 degrees seems balmy and warm now? This was the main problem with southern California. Every single day it was between 76 and 79 degrees. You cannot be normal when that is the temperature every day. Thus, an entire region of the country, totally nuts.
I am looking for books written by women that are clever, funny, quirky and good. Or some combination thereof. Any suggestions?
I remember Kathy way back at Love's told me how housewives go nuts because it is psychologically taxing to keep doing something that keeps getting undone (i.e. cleaning up the house.) Oh my gosh that is soooooooo true. Especially when joined with a lack of good sleep. And especially when you have a house that NEVER gets really cleaned up because there are 65,001 improvments you need to make to it and never enough time or money to get a lot of them done at once. For instance we are just now starting to get new interior doors. How hard could that be? Well first you have to buy the doors and hardware. If you go with your existing door frames that is like $150 - $200 per door. Then you have to whittle out the places where the hinges and the doorknob go, stain the door, level it and who knows what else. So obviously too much work to kick it off in a weekend or something. We have 10 interior doors we want to swap out. So we called Eric's brother's handyman guy to see how much he'd charge to install the doors. $180 per door. So that's a minimum of $3,200 to replace the doors. And then we still have to finish replacing the rest of the windows, repaint the cabinets (until we can redo the whole kitchen) get new coutertops, repaint the stairwell and our bedroom ceiling which is literally peeling off, buy and install new trim for the living room, dining room, upstairs hallway and den, repaint the trim and the list goes on and on forever. And I didn't even mention knocking down the wall between the dining room and kitchen or finishing the basement or getting an addition. Thank goodness working, going to school and having a 2 year old and a 1 year old is easy, inexpensive and relaxing.
Why do I get random mail for my neighbors every week and what mail of my own am I not getting?


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

oh my god, isn't it incredible how house stuff just adds up and adds up and adds up? And things that seemed really manageable are really just NOT?! Yes. I learned that all over again yesterday.

Books: do they have to be GOOD books, like, book-club quality, or are you just looking for something to read? Because all of Laurie Notaro's books are hysterically funny, the best being The Idiot Girls Action-Adventure Guide. I don't recommend reading all of them, because they are really just variations on a theme and eventually it gets tiresome, but as a whole, they are some of the funniest books I've ever read.

Donna said...

It is incredible. It's the same way with kids' stuff too.
No, the books don't have to be GOOD. I'm trying to put a list together for the wife of a work-friend, and she is very picky and I have really ONLY been reading book club books for oh say the last almost 3 years, so... Keep those recommendations coming! :o)