Well today is the last day I will have two kids two years old and under. Also the last day I will have a 2 year old and a 1 year old. We took Liam to the doctor for his 3 year checkup today. He's 80th percentile for height and 70th for weight (though I thought he seems really skinny since we were sick.) He was extremely shy with the doctor and refused to do anything she asked. We had a Long Talk about it in the car. Liam's in a phase where he alternates between "I was feeling a little shy" and "I was being a baby, eh eh" and "I was being a flutterfly actually." Oh and also he can be very contrary, which he revels in. But knock on wood at least he was very healthy and that's awesome. He and Brendan also got their second flu shots and they took it like champs. Oh and Liam had a vision test and he got 100% except there was an old- fashioned phone where you put the receiver in the cradle on the top and he'd never seen a phone like that so he thought it was a car. It was pretty funny.
Speaking of phones we just had to order a replacement (we ordered two actually) phone for the play kitchen because we can't find the one that came with it and we figure Brendan probably recycled it. He likes to throw things out and recycle. It's hard to remember to check each time before you take the can out to see what Brendan might have been composting.
We got a tree last night - yeah! The house smells awesome even though I didn't used to like the smell of pine. It's nice and today we will decorate it.
We tried to take pictures for the Christmas cards but so far we haven't gotten any keepers. So if you haven't received a Christmas card, well it could still be a while.
I wanted to write a long post about how awful it was being sick and how you cannot be sick when you are a mom because you have to keep going even though you think you are not going to make it because you have to take care of the kids, but it was too exhausting even thinking about it. It really was the pits. Seriously.
Oh, and if anyone knows of a station that plays Christmas BESIDES the Holiday Light, or Holiday Lite or whatever, please let me know. Thanks!
I think WCKG (105.9) plays festive tunes too.
if I hadn't gone into labor w/Grace, she would've been born on the 16th! This is a stupid little factoid, since I DID go into labor with Grace, but anyway.
Having just one tiny baby, I have new found awe, amazement, and respect for you guys and your two tiny ones. that is all.
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