Tuesday, December 23, 2008

White Christmas

I think Liam has more than just a little bit of Rachel in him. Sure, Brendan has the red hair, but Liam is just so...practical. Last night we were discussing how Santa flies from house to house. “No, I think the reindeer pull his sleigh on the ground.” “Well that would take too long. They have to go to so many millions of houses around the world. They need to fly.” “How can reindeer fly?” Liam asked me. “Well, it’s just special Christmas magic.” Liam reflects on this. “No, the reindeer must have very skinny bodies and big, huge, large wings. That’s how they can fly.” See, I would have just bought it at magic. When we were saying our prayers last week, I told Liam we needed to say a special prayer for a man at work whose grandson is sick. “Who is he?” Liam asked. I told him he was Dave and reminded him how when Liam and Brendan came to the library Dave gave them matchbox cars. “Yes, I remember him.” So, on we went with our prayers. We were midway through when Liam said, “You should tell Him that.” “I should tell who what?” I asked. “You should tell God.” “What should I tell God?” “About how Dave gave us those cars,” Liam said. So yes, I think he’s definitely related to Rae.
Well in case I don’t blog again in the next few days, Merry Christmas


3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

again, HILARIOUS!!! It was so great to see you all:) I'm glad I left before the cookies, I would've cleaned you out!!!

Rae said...

Aww. When he's logical you think of me. I'm so happy.

diedendidit said...

Love that kid.