We are getting our front door, railing and shutters painted today just in time for, you guessed it, nothing! But I'm still excited about it. In other exciting news Brendan can take 8 steps in a row, so real walking should be right around the corner. It doesn't, at this point, seem to be helping his sleeping, nor do teeth # 7 & 8. Too bad.
Liam told me today he wanted a toy kitchen from a catalog we got in the mail. That's great news, I thought, because we just bought Brendan a toy kitchen for his upcoming birthday. Liam pointed to the cheaper kitchen I was originally going to get and said he wanted that one. I said, "Ooo, or what about this (much-more-expensive-Eric-and-I-stayed-up-until-midnight-picking-this-one-out-it's-way-better) one? It has a real-looking microwave!" "No, that one's too expensive," Liam said. (How did he know that?) "Yeah, but don't you like it? It's really cool." "No, I like this one better." "You do? But this one has a much better refrigerator." "No, I like this one better. You can eat at the counter." "You can eat at the counter of this one too! And it looks like granite!" "Can I have my bottle now?" "Ok but isn't this other kitchen so cool?" "No, I like this one better." Curses.
1 comment:
That's hysterical, I love that he thought it was too expensive.
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