Last month, for some reason which I cannot remember, I completely missed paying my credit card. Mind you I always pay my bills in full, on time, but lately strange things have begun to happen. It might have been because we didn't receive the bill (our mail delivery has been exceedingly bad lately) but whatever it was we (Eric, as I have now diagnosed myself with the help of Rae's wise sister as phoneaphobic) straightened it out and they reversed the late fee and the interest and all was well. Then, somehow, this month I put that particular bill aside from the regular bills for some COMPLETELY UNEXPLAINABLE REASON, and when I sat down to pay bills yesterday I came across it, felt my heart drop, opened it up and sure enough it was due four days prior. I have no idea how this happened. It's just a complete (probably $60) mind blank, as I have found myself doing at an alarming rate. I cannot even tell you how many times I've come to work, checked my mailbox and found something in there (Oh good, Mail!) that I meant to give to someone else but put in my own box instead (Oh darnit, Idiot!). Today my department head said, "Hi Donna!" and I responded, "Sure!" What??? Definitely sleep deprivation is a baaaad thing. (I'm not even going to mention how it is getting much better, since last time that jinxed it completely.)
In other news, I figured out some things about myself, now that 4 solid years of pregnancy and breastfeeding are over. One, I want to have more kids. Two, I'm not sure if I have the physical/mental stamina for more kids. Three, I have pregnancy cravings in reverse. In other words during the last 4 years I have basically eaten like a preschooler. Very simple, straightforward, mostly wholesome food (and desserts.) Now, I want the weird things I always use to want. (The following examples may not be for the easily queasy.) Cottage cheese slightly curdled by cherry peppers and their juice. Spicy V8 with sourdough, brown mustard and tomatoes. Lemon water with a ratio of one lemon to approx. 4 ounces of water. (pickle juice, pickles, of COURSE) and it just goes on from there. So strange. But mmmm, so delicious. The last four years it's almost as if I've been unable to taste flavors. So, onward and upward and backward I guess. Hopefully now I'll become, miraculously, skinny.
Well, now I have to work and try to not think about scheduling a root canal (two teeth) and my belief that the dental crown I have really is too big and shouldn't be hurting even though I went to another dentist and he said it's fine. Ouch. Oh, and now I am COLD-FREE, and LT seems to be too, but Eric and Brendan are pulling up the rear. Poor guys. Warm weather, I am soooo excited to see you soon. Ok? Ok.
Donna, I don't car if we never talk on the phone again- just keep on blogging so I can laugh!!! I just put "car" but I do not care enough to change it. I love the phonophobic, it is awesome!! I go through phoneophob stages myself (usually when the credit carders are seeking me out). I used to be like you, all responsible and on-time. If you want chest pains, I could show you some of my recent bills-who even knows the last time I paid them??? I can blame it all on my little peanuts early arrival and near death experiences and they could (and don't) care even a smitten. Someday (and this is what I tell them) I will have a full-time job and little Noah will be safely tucked away in daycare, until then, it's just not worth it and I will be reverting into my phoneaphobe shell, yes, that's right, put it down in your system as "refusal to pay" you heartless meanie!!! Hey, can I borrow the "phoneaphobe" term? I think it will spice up the conversations some...Hey, and thanks for letting me use your comment space instead of my own blog!
I kind of did the pregnancy cravings in reverse, too, except that my most intense cravings came after G was born, and I developed the bottomless-pit problem that I didn't really have too badly while I was pregnant (except when I was nauseous and figured out that eating too much helped, but it wasn't that I wanted to, just that it helped).
However, I DID have massive food aversions when I was pregnant, did you have those? They've all resolved except, ironically, cottage cheese, which I don't think I will ever be able to eat again.
Kelly - Well to you I can talk on the phone! Also, I think if ever there was a VERY VALID excuse for avoiding the bill collectors, it is yours! If I were you, Noah would be my sole focus 24/7 and everyone else can just wait! (Ok, well Carlton would get some attention too, of course. :o) )
Kathy - Ah, I had that same overeating helping nausea problem too. I seriously didn't want to eat 3/4 of what I did, but I wanted it more than lying in bed immobile and writhing all the time. And since I was soooo sick for the entire duration of my pregnancy, I ended up gaining 9 pounds more with Brendan than Liam, and still have 'em! Yippee. But now I predict I will be working out more and they will come off. I'm more annoyed at this point than worried I will actually continue to look like this for any length of time. However, as I said before, If Rae wants to postpone the wedding til I get back in shape...? Just and idea. :o)
I do not have any relation whatsoever to pregnancy or post-pregnancy related cravings and I LOVE pickle juice.
"Spicy V8 with sourdough, brown mustard and tomatoes" is not something I've ever considered, but sounds delicious.
Does this mean anything? No, but there you have it.
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