Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Lite

So, I really love St. Patrick's Day. I really love it. But for some reason I seem destined to not actually be able to celebrate it. (With the notable exceptions of one year when me, Eric, and my friend Jonica went out in Wrigleyville and Rachel and Jon joined us, and that was good times. One other time we went to the parade downtown and were thisclose to then Senator-O'Bama and Dick Durbin and Daley and that was pretty cool.) Anyway last year I switched off working so we could go to the parade and then Eric got some emergency call in the middle of the night (which rarely happens)and had to be gone from midnight til 2 in the afternoon, so we didn't do anything. This year I was SURE it was going to be beautiful, which it was, but the week before the parade Eric got a call asking him to teach a class on Saturdays, so again we didn't go. And let me tell you I was not about to bring the kids down there by myself. And I don't know why we didn't go to the southside parade on Sunday but we didn't. So tonight, after a very hectic week that isn't done, we decided to go to Peggy Kinnane's and celebrate the Green and it was great. We had great drinks and food and best of all amazing amazing things, Brendan was totally awesome and didn't try to get out of his high chair even once! He ate a ton of food and so did Liam and they got a big Shamrock cookie too. And they were great on the ride home and being totally funny and great all around. (We saw a freight train, and then later Liam said, "I wonder if we'll see that forklift again?" and I said, "You mean the freight train?" and he said, "Oh yeah - freight train. Fork lift? What was I thinking? That was so silly, saying forklift instead of freight train." I said, "Liam, how did you get so funny? and he said, "I was just born that way. I could barely talk.") The only fallout was that they went to bed VERRRRRY late, but I'm just not going to care about that today. It's St. Patrick's Day Lite, so live a little!

Also, if you want to hear about the preschool experience, you'll have to read my comment to Kathy's comment from the Preschool post yesterday.


diedendidit said...

I laughed out loud at "I could barely talk." You have nothing to worry about with that kid- he's great.

3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

Fork lift, freight train, it's all the same to me!! I HAVE to see you guys and SOON! You will not believe how much my munchkin has NOT grown. They will be so cute to reunite!!