Friday, March 27, 2009

Facebook, You'll Be the End of Me

So, Kathy, you were right. It's an addiction. Eric says he thinks we'll never talk again. I said to write me something on FB and I'll write back. Seriously though, what a fun game. Anyway, the weaning has gone well on Brendan's end, but my end not so much. Ugh. Well live and learn I guess. I guess I didn't really have anything to say but I felt bad cheating on blogger with Facebook, so I wanted to put something down here. Oh and I think I'll stop trying to singlehandedly save the Trib by subscribing to the print format because I NEVER read it in print form and I have no idea what to do with all these papers I have and it seems a waste of trees. Also where does all our garbage go? I mean I know a landfill, but where? And what about our recycling? How can EVERY WEEK EVERY HOUSE have a big bin of garbage and a big bin of recycling? That does not seem good. Ah, this planet.

1 comment:

3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

I KNOW!!! What is with the planet these days... Everybody, go green, and quick!!!!