Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's Good Protein

It's clear now that Aidan believes he has been hired into the family in the position of Eater of Anything Within or Nearly Within Reach. I'm glad he's a good eater, and extremely un-picky. So far I have had good luck with that and the other kids too, but Aidan takes it one step further. If I turn my back for a second he will inevitably be chewing when I next look at him. Cat food, pine needles, dirt, hair, cat fur, food scraps, magazines, books, seasonal decorations, black stuff, green stuff - he doesn't discriminate. However he gets VERY mad if you take any of these things out of his mouth. And he gets the stuff in there with amazing speed and precision. He'd been pretty good with the cat food bowl, but then lately realized how much fun it is to splash in the water. And then while he's there anyway, he figures he may as well have a little snack. This is all new for me. Liam, well he probably did collect some random samples off the floor to examine in his laboratory, but not to taste himself. As for Brendan, obsessive putting of things in his mouth was one of the few challenges he didn't try.

This video is a little over dramatic on the no-no-noing, which is why I thought of breaking out the camera. But it's pretty representative of how Aidan shakes his head no when he knows he is doing something naughty, or yes when he tries to pretend what he's doing is okay. Sometimes he then crawls away with an air of smugness, often accompanied by stopping to clap for himself. Other times he shakes his head no while chowing down on contraband.

Also, this video is the first we took of Liam's Billboard Top Ten "Too Many Monkeys" song. We made another that's a bit smoother, but I like this in spite of and because of the rough edges. You'll hear me prompting Liam to sing, but then he takes it away. The entire song was written by him. Obviously, Bob Dylan of the 21st century.


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

awesome videos:) Liam has real teen idol dimples.

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

oh, and Grace would like to comment that there is no such thing as too many kee-kees.