Sunday, March 13, 2011

In Which

Aidan has decided sleeping through the night for six months was enough, and shall no longer do it ever again;

Eric accidentally bought 86 rolls of toilet paper;

The St. Patrick's Day crowd, at least near us, didn't cheer on hizzoner Da Mayor in what was his last St. Patty's Day parade - boo;

In which Liam remarked that the St. Patrick's Day parade "was fun, but wasn't as fun as (he) thought it would be";

The St. Patrick's Day party at my parents church had a lot of bumping, grinding and head shaving, but not a lot of Irish music or Irish dancing. The boys were happy but the adults were not;

Liam wrote a kick ass song tonight containing the lyrics "too many monkeys / too many monkeys/ we're lost in the middle of MONKEYS!";

One of The Kings is missing - again!;

Brendan thinks Luke Skywalker is one of the U. S. presidents;

There weren't enough hours in my day to begin with and now one of them has been taken from me.


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

ok, but what's so bad about buying all that tp? it won't go bad and you will use it eventually! unless you end up not liking that tp. Or, the problem that *I* would have, which is that I would get so used to having a ton of TP in the house, when we finally ran out, we would probably run all the way out, because I'd keep thinking, well, we certainly don't need tp!!

Donna said...

lol, Kathy. And you're right, it's not bad at all. In fact Eric's pretty sure he didn't screw up, because he thought he was buying 12 rolls for 8 dollars, and we got 86 or whatever instead. (Eric said it's 96.) So not bad for $8. It's Angel Soft! Wowzers! :o) Seriously though, I have to put a clip of Liam's Monkey song somewhere because it's so funny!