Today was a day of firsts. We took Liam and Brendan to the Cubs game, which was Brendan's first trip to Wrigley. He was a great fan, cheering enthusiastically, eating 2 hotdogs (with mustard AND ketchup, shhh!), pretzels, and many peanuts. At the bottom of the third he turned to me and asked seriously, "Which team are we cheering for, the ones in white or the ones in black?" Up to that point he'd been yelling "Go Cubbies" and clapping at all the right times. Too funny. It was semi good weather for an April 2 game, but since Brendan usually naps around one, and we were getting cold, we only stayed til the 7th inning stretch. After a rousing rendition of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame", we left and the Cubs were losing 3 - 0. But I'm sure it was us who brought them good luck, cause one inning later they scored 5 runs and ended up winning. It's too bad we missed that, but I was actually surprised we made it as long as we did. And of course it wouldn't have been an outing without Liam getting his requisite injury, tripping up the stairs and landing on his lip. He was a trooper though.

Afterward we bought the boys their first Cubs hats, then we picked up Aidan from Action Ridge and took all the boys for haircuts, where Aidan has his first cut by a professional barber.
waiting for haircut:

Brando's haircut

LT's haircut

AMJ's first haircut. whatchaya talking about?

And of course, Go Bulldogs!!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! i'm so glad to see pics of the big boys getting bigger!!! And how in the world does Aidan have all that hair??!!! Autumn is a little older (if my bad memory serves me correctly) and she has LIKE NO HAIR AT ALL!!!!! She will not need her first hair cut till K-garten
and now I SERIOUSLY want a hot dog
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