Friday, April 15, 2011


And Liam and Brendan are STILL TALKING!! WT Seriously F? Why does this happen sometimes? No, I don't want to put them in separate rooms. I like that they love each other and want to share their philosophical views on Jupiter, Venus and hot dogs. But why must it be at 10:19pm?
For cereal.


Megan M said...

Wouldn't you love the option of going to bed that early and just laying there talking to Eric? Jim and I have tried...we just fall asleep...these kids have something in there blood that keeps them awake. We have the same issue with the girls. They have shared a room for two years now, but it's soooo hard to get them to sleep sometimes.

Donna said...

Totally. Why can't we just be able to get a teeny tiny bit of their energy, then they could go to sleep and we could clean the house and watch a movie. So unfair!! But so cute too, especially when you eavesdrop on them and they're talking about the funniest stuff.