Liam's lunch.
Wednesday night Eric and I got a night on the town and visited a couple of the neighborhood food and spirits establishments. It wasn't as warm walking around as we thought it would be, even after drinks and appetizers and drinks and dinner. Unfortunately the youngins were still awake when we got home, so we were quickly brought back to reality at 9:15pm. (Also I discovered as I opened the back door that I left my purse back at the restaurant, so Eric ended up walking back after the kids went to bed.) Anyway, for some reason at 3am I woke up and could not get back to sleep. I believe it was 5:30 or 6 when I did. Waking up at 7:30 for work I realized how true it is that I am not a kid anymore. Not that I want to be a "kid" kid, but like they say you can never go home again, it's also hard to dabble sporadically in a life you lived in another era. Maybe we just need to get a regular babysitter and go out more.
Brendan has been doing the most adorable thing in the morning. I don't know what happened but somehow Eric and I produced an early riser. The odds were against it, but somehow it slipped through and we got Brando. He wakes up at 7/ 7:30. Liam is truly my child and could easily sleep in til 9:30. And they go to bed at the same time, but Liam just sits up there talking and singing for an hour or more til his brain winds down and he finally gives into sleep, where he dreams about Country Bugs. Don't ask, but it's not Flutterflies anymore and these things make noise. So when Liam wakes up we go into the bedroom to get him, and Brendan will take stuffed animals from his bed and bring them to Liam. It started because Liam really wanted Brando's snow tiger, but there was a bit of an altercation over it, and anyway the next morning Brendan, with no prompting from me, brought it to Liam. Now he does it every morning. He'll even bring stuffed animals from Liam's own bed that have shifted to the bottom so Liam can reach them. He loves helping. Helping unload the dishwasher, helping move furniture, helping clean up the large messes he makes. He's not really that good at helping, but it's funny, and sometimes scary, to watch him try.
In other news. Liam has gone from loving Ray Charles to loving Weezer (that's a little old news actually.) I hate ear buds and want headphones to come back in style. Liam doesn't wear diapers anymore. Brendan's teeth pains have returned - 2 year molars coming 6 months too soon. Brendan + teething = pistol. (As in, yep, he definitely is a redheaded Scorpio.) Rapid weightloss has not been a byproduct of weaning. It's been over a year now since we went to Dublin, and I really want to go back to Europe. This time I want to go to Italy. Unfortunately my bank account does not want that (I predict Eric will comment "What bank account? Why didn't you tell me we had a bank account?") This guy in my class sounds just like Anthony Hopkins and got way cuter in my on-campus day after he started talking. Mends and Binds might be the death of me. Warm weather, oh how I love ye!
I'll see your 7am and raise you a 5:30. wtf?! I don't know, but since it's the ONLY consistent thing about her sleep in her short life, I'm assuming it's here to stay. The pediatrician said today that maybe it's because of her reflux (we upped her dose), or maybe it's because she's hungry and starting solids will help, but I know he's wrong because she wakes up so happy. I'm just screwed.
5:30 is definitely rough. But she's still so little maybe it'll stretch out. Or maybe she wants to be a pastry chef? Hmm Hmm? At the very least you know she's not going to be galloping down the street trying to make the school bus on time. And that's something! (btw it's 11pm and Brendan just woke up crying. Bet you won't be faced with that in 14 months! :o) )
Further evidence that Brendan may actually be my child...
Oh my God, I didn't even think of that!??!? Rachel, we're going to have to let Robbin know before the wedding. :o) Oh, and tonight Brendan wore the The Fonz bomber jacket you got him for his first birthday. It still fits and he looks super cool in it! You have AMAZING taste in kids' clothes. You are going to have some well dressed little munchkins someday. :o)
I think headphones are back in style for at least expensive good sounding ones. And just so people don't get overly excited (I know that is likely) Liam wears mostly pull-ups now.
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