At Heather's wedding I had these rad earrings to go with my dress. Running late as usual I tried putting them on in the car, only to find out I could not get one in at all. Why one of my earring holes closed up but not the other I don't know, but apparently not wearing earrings for years can have this effect. So for Rae's wedding I decided to re-pierce my ears. On Wednesday I went to Claires, stood patiently in line behind a 13 year old and her mom, and finally got my chance to partake in what was coincidentally the last day of their big free* ear piercing day (*with purchase of $40 starter kit consisting of a miniature pair of earrings and bottle of antiseptic wash.) Anyway, I guess I seemed less than brave and the 18 year old ear piercer asked with concern, "Ok, are you ready for this?" Sure, I've given birth to two babies, but I'm still a giant wimp. I barely cried though. Right before she asked me to take a big breath, she asked if I wanted the holes where they had been before. To this I should have said "Yes", so that I wouldn't really have to start from scratch and more importantly so there would be no problem with me taking the earring out to put in the earrings for Rae's wedding, which was the purpose of this whole thing anyway. But the girl said my old holes were not even so should she even them up? It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I fear it was a mistake. Now in two weeks when I take the "new" earring out to put in Rae's, will there be a chance the hole won't be there? Also I'm not convinced the new holes are any better aligned than the previous ones. Oi vey. Truly.
Also, before we left I looked at Woodfield's website for the Easter Bunny info. It said the Easter Bunny would be there from some date in March until March 22, which makes no sense since Easter isn't until April 12. Weird, but I had no reason not to believe it. As we were leaving the mall, I noticed an Easter display and lo and behold who was in the thick of it but that abnormally large bunny we call The Easter Bunny. Liam was not very interested in getting a picture with the fellow. Last year he absolutely refused so we just had the picture with Brendan. This year he was a bit more open, but at the last minute he said, "Actually no, I don't want to." Why? I asked. "Well, because, remember, you said sometimes bunnies bite." For no apparent reason I decided to reveal that gem to Liam just that very morning. Brilliant! "Well no, Honey, though some bunnies bite those are just the regular small bunnies, not the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny never bites." So he consented to be in the picture but not to sit on The Bunny's lap or on the bench next to The Bunny. Unfortunately what this picture does not convey is that Brendan was not at all scared of The Bunny. He just kept trying to kiss The Bunny and was not interested in turning his head away from him to look at the camera. Instead, in the picture, he comes across as not happy. And my Very Brave Liam decided after the picture that he wanted to go up to the EB, with me in tow, to touch him and pet him and shake his hand and say Happy Easter and bye-bye. I was so proud of him, but again it's not the message the picture conveys. In fact at the end I think he rather liked The Bunny. "He was fun, I loved seeing that Easter Bunny," he told me. He's still a bit concerned about why the EB didn't talk though. He thinks he can talk but that he was just being shy. Liam says the Easter Bunny loves him and he loves him too. This is huge progress. Anyway it's a little better than the Christmas pic with Santa. And I really am having a hard time coming to grips with why I even have to convince Liam to engage with large weird costumed strangers. I mean, unless he's going on stage at a Flaming Lips concert.

Donna, oh my god, NEVER has a picture said a thousand words like that picture of the boys. Please promise me you will save it forever because OH MY GOD!! and, you know, I was extremely extroverted as a kid, but people in costumes reeeally freaked me out. Still do. Hate the mesh screens over their eyes.
The holes will be in your ears, it just might sting to put the other earrings in. but they'll be there, promise:)
I love how Liam still isn't touching the bunny, only his brother's leg. :-)
Nice job spelling Oi vey!! The ear holes should be fine (especially if you use some of that thirty-eight dollar antiseptic wash).
You and Eric could afford to remodel every house on your street if the right advertising agency got ahold of your pictures. I can't believe how consistently hilarious they are!!! Way to go Liam and Brendan:)
Let's play soon!! (from: Noah)
I still hold by my statement that Liam is very wise. I wish I could use him as my own personal magic 8 ball, actually.
Gotta love the introverts. (Introvert != shy)
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