Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Stop! Growing Up So Damn Fast!!!

One of my patrons at work told me possibly the worst thing I could ever hear, just before Liam started kindergarten.  She said "once they start kindergarten, it's over.  They will be in college in the blink of an eye."  Now why she told me such a horrible thing, I have no idea.  But I'm sure it was just a week or two ago when I was crying over Liam's too-fast-approaching first day of kindergarten, and now he only has THREE MONTHS LEFT!!!!  What?!?! How did this happen?  I know we lost about a month with the pneumonia, but still this just can't be.  I am totally sick about it.

 And you mean to tell me this was over a year and a half ago?!?!


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

Yeah. Katie's gonna be a year old in two days. And it doesn't feel like the entire world should stop turning on its axis like it did when Gracie had her first birthday, but it still feels WRONG.

No way are your boys that old. NO. WAY.

Megan M said...

I am so with year we will have kids whose grades have actual numbers...and I am pretty sure it was just last week that I was still giving Lilli baths in the sink because she was so tiny and this week she wants to take her own showers. It's no fair. And I don't like it.

Rae said...

I've never been so grateful for a leap year. I get one more day before Gerald turns 1. :-)

Donna said...

It's definitely No Fair!! And also, Rae, that is a GREAT point! We all get an extra day with our little people!!