Friday, February 11, 2011

Cutest. Thing. Ever.

Liam and Brendan have a couple baskets where they keep their cars and their Cars cars. Anyway, Aidan loved to crawl (army crawl still) over to them and take the cars out. But we kept telling him no, he can't eat them, and he now understands that. So recently he has developed a new technique. He takes this little toddler spoon over there with him, throws it in the basket, madly thrashes his hand around in the basket til he finds it, and takes it out and chews on it. It is soooo cute I can't really properly convey it. I should take a movie of it. Sometimes, he accidentally grabs a car, and then he looks at it, whips it back in the basket and continues to thrash his hand around until he finds the spoon. Other times the spoon gets out of his reach and then he gets pretty pissed. I think there should be a t.v. show about this. I'd watch it. Seriously.


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

I would watch it too. definitely.

Rae said...

I would tivo it.