Sunday, February 20, 2011

Little Birdhouses in Our Souls

Random pictures from the past few weeks. I have a lot of wise, thoughtful things to say, of course, but since a cold has been circulating throughout the family for the past few weeks and now Aidan has a respiratory virus that prohibits him/me for sleeping for more than an hour at a time, this should suffice...

The Brendan show, feat. Aidan...

Snow pants are snow cool...

Liam and Aidan, aka Liam and Little Liam, aka Little Eric, Littler Eric...

Our first snowman...

Fun in the basement, aka the Former Dungeon, which used to be soooo awful and now is sooo awesome. Also, Liam doesn't have a flat head like the 3rd picture suggests...

1 comment:

3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

YOUR HOUSE LOOKS GREAT!!!!! Wow, that's so awesome. I love the "little eric, littler eric" (with a tiny hint of brando) pic