Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Well That Didn't Last Long

My self-imposed teetotaler status has ended. Like I said, that was one fun party on Friday night, but I think I can get back in the saddle again. Phew. This'll make me more fun on margarita night. So...when's margarita night?! Ok, after y'all have your babies. Fine. Should I bring the blender to the hospital? I'm so classy.

And no, contrary to how this post reads, not drunk. Just a little overtired since Aidan's been getting up periodically for the last couple weeks because of "teeth pains." Basically on any given night SOMEone gets up for some reason, but I'm not going to complain at all because for a week or two Aidan completely stopped going down easily into the crib (again that magical thing where he would be awake and you could PUT HIM DOWN and he would just GO TO SLEEP. Incredible! Never would I have believed it really happens if I didn't get him.) but now things are back on track there. So if I have to get up once or twice for a short time (or more accurately if Eric has to) then I can't complain cause overall it's fine. Just tiring.

I need a drink. :o)


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

I am ALL FOR a post-baby margarita party. someone wrote on babycenter that they were drinking lemonade out of a glass with a salted rim, and I think that is pure genius. of course, I didn't read that when i was pregnant with Grace and massively craving margaritas. Instead I read it now, when I am not craving margaritas but every other junky, empty-calorie-but-calorie-laden-nontheless food on God's green earth. oh well.

Rae said...

Hell yes. I have no idea when I'll be back in Chicago after Gus is born but let's do it then. Maybe it will be a second margarita party for you guys, but you can't have too many margarita parties, can you? I volunteer Robbin to watch the kids.

Eric said...

I second the motion to have Robbin watch the kids.

Donna said...

La Leche League Margarita Night 2011. I like the sound of that! :o)