Thursday, May 20, 2010

Like Sands through the Hourglass

Eric and I bought a new car on Monday. It literally took 4 hours, even though we went in knowing the exact car on the lot we wanted to buy. I still can't figure out why it took so long. At one point while we were in the financing office declining all the 4016 extra coverages we could get, I heard the theme song from Days of Our Lives in the waiting room. I think that's what it was anyway. It's been a long time since I watched daytime television. That's a good thing, but I do have sort of fond memories of maternity leave just after Liam was born watching Perry Mason and Eight Is Enough on Me TV. That was a totally different life 1,000 years away from now. For one thing, Eric works from home now. For someone who grew up in a house with not less than 27 other people around at any one time, this is blissful for me. I am not a person who likes "alone time." At all. Also when baby 3.0 comes along I will not just be hanging out nursing in the back room watching television. Because 2 other little people will be needing me too. It's definitely a different ride and it will be interesting to see what it's like if this baby ever decides he wants to be born. At this point I'm pretty sure he's at least 25 pounds, and this is a troubling thought.

Oh, so the new car is pretty cool. It's a dark gray Chevy Traverse with 7 seats and two sun roofs. (We wanted black or blue but we are destined to always live in yellow bricks and have gray cars.) We had a Saturn Vue and we liked it a lot but it couldn't hold 3 car seats so we had to chuck it. At the dealership people kept asking "which of you will be driving this car?" Somehow it blows people's minds that we will both be driving it. We have an old Corolla that we use as a spare, but as it turns out even though we live in the burbs we can pretty much get around walking. Eric doesn't commute and I work 6 blocks away. We live a few blocks from the train and purposely picked our location based on the fact that we can walk to almost anything we want except Trader Joes. (I did suggest to the Village that we get a TJs or Whole Foods as part of the downtown shopping district but so far they have not taken up my brilliant idea.) When we go places we usually go together or one of us is home with the kids. So there you have it. Liam was a little disappointed because he wanted a Saturn Outlook, but since they don't make those anymore we couldn't get one. I have no idea why he cares except that he got his dad's genes and actually notices cars. Brendan does too for that matter. I am mostly clueless about cars and am just happy when I can find my own car in the parking lot. Oh and Liam's ok with the Traverse now and likes it, because it can't be denied that it is pretty dang cool. I'm looking forward to taking it on a road trip this summer if the new baby is good with driving. Time will tell.

Liam will be done with his first year of preschool next week. Wow. I can't really think about that or I will cry and my mind will be totally blown, but wow.

1 comment:

3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

Yay! A 25 pound baby with no neck control who is learning to nurse-I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! lol:) You will be so great at enjoying the 3, and I can't wait to read your perspectives-even if it takes awhile for the initial report! Did you ever decide on a 3-kiddo stroller?