Monday, April 19, 2010

Fantastic Fratboy Toddlers

On Saturday night we were in the city (unfortunately for The Double R going away bash, which was very fun but sad at the same time.) On our way home we stopped at Starbucks, and while Eric and Liam ran in, Brendan and I waited in the car across the street.
"Look Mom, that's Starbucks," Brendan said pointing at the building outside his window.
"Oh, that's actually a bar. Starbucks is across the street."
A moment passes, then Brendan says, "Mom, I want to go to a bar sometimes."
"Ok, well you have to be older to go to bars, like 21, because that's the age when you can drink beer."
"Mom, Kelly can drink beer."
"Yes, she can because she is 21."
"But Kyle can't drink beer."
"No, he can't, Brendan, because he's not 21 yet."
A few minutes pass. "Mom?"
"Yes Brendan?"
"Mom, I want to drink beer sometimes. I like beer."
This, combined with the fact that Liam calls orange juice wine stein, should definitely make me the favorite mom among the preschool parents.

I absolutely love this awesome weather and I want every year in Chicago to go straight from winter to summer. On Friday night we went to the pool where Liam and Brendan take swim lessons on Sunday mornings, but we went to the toddler pool instead of the lap pool and in case you were wondering the water is as refreshing as the lap pool. I love it. Of course once we have 3.0 it's going to be interesting as far as swim lessons are concerned. I guess it's time for Liam to swim on his own. He's close, but not there yet.

Liam went to his first Cubs game on Sun with Eric and his brothers and his dad and I don't know what happened but Liam fell asleep on the way home a couple blocks from our house, just before 6pm, and he slept all the way until this morning at 7:30. Brendan also slept like a champ, and if I didn't have this frickin insomnia and Zoey didn't groom in my ear louder than a jet engine at 5am I could have had some mad sleep.

Lastly, tonight Brendan climbed up on Eric's work chair, got his computer and mouse, put on his "meeting" (Eric's headset), proceeded to pound his fist on the desk, make an angry face and say, "dammit! dammit!" Well, 2 years old and he's finally ready to work in the corporate world. I hear those guys love beer.


Eric said...

LOL. Now Zoey doesn't actually groom your ear right? :)

3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

haha! thanks for the laughs, Donna. That stinks that you already have the insomnia. You are, what, due in a month? No matter how tired i get, I cannot stay asleep until about 7:30 am. Then Carlton leaves for work at 8 and I'm up again! One of these days I'm going to fall into a coma. Hopefully tomorrow when they slice and drug me:) I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Oh, if you haven't read it, I suggest the Girlfriends Guide to Surviving the First year of motherhood. It is funny-like laugh out loud every few pages funny. I almost finished it these past 2 nights-which is a good thing b/c laughing with the c-section stitches hurts like the dickens. Maybe you can use it to shoo the licking cat sounds from your ear!

love to you and the big boys-and whoa, is your little mama gonna have some things to SAY-lol!!!

Rae said...

Has Brendan been watching _ME_ work from home?