Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Eight Days a Week

Years ago I had this great idea for one way things could be better. Sort of like my great idea that everyone should live til they turn 100, and then peacefully die in their sleep after they go to bed that night. And you wouldn't get any lingering illness or problems beforehand. Anyway, this other idea is that everyone's life is documented from the moment they're born. Not weirdly like in The Truman Show (which still creeps me out to this day) but just you have this personal film inventory and if you want to know what you were doing or what you looked like on August 1, 1986, you just pull out the footage and there you go. I think some people have this thing called a memory, which actually stores a lot of that information in their own brain, but my memory doesn't really do that so I need DVDs.

Now that I have kids and have no skill at taking or archiving movies I wish someone was doing it for me . Every day there must be at least 27,115 hysterical, brilliant things these little guys do and there will be no record of it at all. And lots of it I wouldn't record anyway because it would seem "mundane," but it shouldn't be lost. Like when I brought Liam home from school today and he started to play with his cars and I said, "You should go wash your hands first" and he looked at me and said in total sincerity, "That's a good idea, Mom." It doesn't translate into a blog post, but if you could see the video. Alas. Between him and Brendan, Eric and I are just dying of laughter and most of the time there is no one there beside us to appreciate how funny they are. Even when there are other adults you know they're just focused on their own thing and probably don't even realize how incredibly awesome these kids are. :o) Like yesterday I was in the backyard with some neighbors and one of them has a 1 year old and she and Brendan were "playing" ball and Brendan was being so sweet and gentle and rolling the ball to her and I'm talking with the moms and then I hear Brendan tell her very earnestly and a little concerned, "No baby, you don't eat the ball. That's not for eating. It's a ball. It's for playing with." And that's my little baby there, instructing the youth from his wise two year old vantage point.

The absolute best is when Liam and Brendan are playing together and talking to each other and laughing and the stuff they say blows my mind. And then sometimes it devolves into Liam saying "No Brendan" in a growly voice, with his face pressed right up into Brendan's face, and then sometimes he sends Brendan to the naughty corner, or sometimes Brendan scratches him in the face and then we send Brendan to the naughty corner. And those parts I don't like, but I guess that is some part of having a sibling close to your own age. I don't know because I never had that. Just the other day I saw Liam had a new scratch on his face and I asked him what happened and he said he scratched himself accidentally. And Brendan was next to him, wide eyed, and I said "Are you sure Brendan didn't scratch you." And Liam tried to cover for him but then he admitted Brendan did it, and I asked Brendan and at first he shook his head no but then very very solemnly he shook his head yes. And it was the first time I ever saw them try and cover. Though often they will stand up for each other. But this was a new thing. I'm going to try and post some pictures here after I get home from work. Let's see if I do, why don't we.


Eric said...

I would just add it's really cute when Liam says in a resigned voice "Oh darn." when he gets in trouble and how Brendan has recently picked that up. That should definitely be caught in video.

3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

I love how you tell it in the blog. I'd say you guys are in for it w/ the tag-team cover-ups, but the boys are so sweet and they admitted it in the end-HAHA. It is adorable. I like your archived vid idea-I am absolutely terrbile about pictures, etc. I will have to copy , paste and print the blog so Noah can have a good recollection of his early years...