And I feel like it's 1:30 in the morning. Well technically it was 9:48 but that was yesterday and I did go to bed soon after and so now today is Sunday.
I don't understand what is really happening with the stimulus and what the best course will be for the country. It seems like both sides are making good points and I just had hoped it was going to be a big unanimous bipartisan effort to get us back on stable ground. The doom and glooming of this whole process is really unsettling.
In other news, a search was on last night for Liam's monster trucks. And I quote,"I just recognized that I had losted my monster trucks for a bunch of days and it was like "Hmm...where could my monster trucks have been?" Fortunately said trucks were eventually located in the car. Phew.
We are thinking about getting a dog. Maybe a boxer. I'm sure it'll add a cleanly, organized calm and financial surplus to our lives, the likes of which can hardly imagine. One dog we liked that we found on a boxer rescue site said she needs a fenced backyard. We had been thinking about getting a fence, but it wasn't high up on the list. In fact Eric wasn't sure he even wanted one. Hopefully the Senate and House, in their infinite wisdom, are allotting $200,000 to our home improvement fund. I'll have to remember to write Barack about that. I love that he hasn't forgetten about me and is still writing. :o)
Brendan is still waking up a million times a night, but Eric is getting him back to sleep. And nursing is down to just 2 - 3 times a day which is good. Of course I was at a shower yesterday and heard from one woman who has three kids, all of which slept through the night from 2 weeks on, and one woman who has a 6 month old who sleeps 12 hours a night and takes four 1 hour naps. Both said they gave cereal early, whereas I gave breastmilk only for the first 6 months. And look where that's gotten us. :o) To be fair Liam slept through at 4 months, but I wouldn't say he was a great consistent sleeper until he was 2. But by that time we had Brendan, so now we see the reason for the very tired Donna we know today.
You know, there's a theory that cereal doesn't really have anything to do with sleeping through the night, that it just gets introduced at an age when lots of kids are ready to do that (it used to be four mos, which is a common age for improved sleep). Maybe Brendan would've been like this no matter what. Obviously I don't know that, but I thought I'd mention it.
Also: the best dog in the entire universe entered our house from the Anti-Cruelty Society. Just saying. :)
Our friends in Ti have a Boxer. I'm terrified of him but Robbin seems to enjoy playing with him. They have an electrfied collar/ fence because he is so rambunctious. Also, he still needs to be let out in the middle of the night at 4 years old. I'm such a Debbie Downer. I just want you to be informed.
Yes, them Boxers are ACTIVE dogs and need a lot of discipline and exercise. I do NOT want a dog that jumps up on people and barks like a maniac, but as I understand it that is more a training issue than a breed problem. My friends had a greyhound and while he was very docile indoors he literally ran around so fast and so much in a circle in their backyard that he dug about a 1 or 2 foot racetrack into the ground!
As far as Brendan I think he was just insanely hungry 24/7 because he really is HUGE and maybe cereal would have helped, but maybe not, but MAN do I wish they would have seen if he had a reflux issue or SOMETHING! Thank GOD that kid is adorable, otherwise... Well it's a good life lesson to learn, I guess - you can get by on your looks. :o)
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