Tuesday, July 9, 2013

So Many Dishes to Do

Posting pictures, I think, is a better use of my time though, right?  It's been a weird day.  I think the lack of a schedule in our house for almost a month now is wearing on everyone.  I am really starting to feel tired as the adrenaline wears off.  Liam is the sweetest kid ever but being tired leaves him totally in his own world which drives me bonkers.  Brendan and Aidan need to stop taking naps but we tried that today and it was a failure, so they went to bed, under duress, at 7:15.  Come to think of it it's 7:42 and I haven't heard a peep from upstairs in quite some time.  Ellen realized being held is far preferable to not being held.  And my yard, back and front, is COMPLETELY overrun with weeds like you would not believe.  I was doing an ok job of staying on top of that til right before Ellen was born, but a month of letting it go really let it go.  Damn.  Also I have 16 pounds left to lose, not ready for serious workouts yet, so I feel crummy about that and cannot fit into any of my clothes except dresses still, so my Mrs Roper joke is more apropos than I'd imagined.  On top of it all I just found out my former brother in law passed away.  It's been a melancholy sort of day for sure.  It's one of those days where I feel like I just didn't get to spend any quality time with my kids but instead spend the whole day arguing with them and yelling at them.  Those kind of days just suck.  And what the hell is up with this weather?  Alright, what we need here are some cute pictures.  The first one is from the hospital.  She's now about 7 1/2 pounds, so she seems huge compared to when she was born.  You can kind of tell in the picture with Eric where she has actual arm chub. 

Oh, and about Brendan and Aidan being quiet upstairs.  Ugh.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you just posted this recently and I got to see it. I half wrote a blog about the real deal of parenting myself. It will probably be an eon before I actually upload it to the blog. Anyhow, I love love love the arm chub. She is adorable, they all are adorable and they all are so big!!! Girl, you'd better love that 16 pounds!!! I still have that to go from EJ. Groan, no motivation to work out at all since # 3. And I can't even tell in the pics of you that you ever had a kid, let along 4. Maybe I need a few more dresses in my life. Great "talking" to ya! -Kelly