Sunday, August 12, 2012

Well That's Plain Weird

Eric and I are always discussing where we want to live.  Maybe Colorado, maybe California, maybe Ireland, maybe ???.  While we toss around ideas we just stay right here where we are.  I picked up an ARC of the book Paris in Love a while back and it definitely played straight into my ideas about making some sort of move, but still I don't know where.  So one night Eric and I were watching the Olympics and standing in the midst of all the sleek, shaved heads was this guy Evan Jager and I thought for a second I was looking 20 years into the future and seeing my own Brando out on the track.  And I thought wow, this kid probably grew up running along the beach somewhere and here he is now running in the steeplechase.  So I decided it all then and there.  I said to Eric, wherever this guy is from, that's where we should move.  And I looked him up and...tension mounting...excitement building...he's from Algonquin.  Algonquin, IL.  Yep, so back to studying suggestions from The Weather of the Future.  Darn it.