Monday, August 27, 2012


Aidan's first phrase, repeated many many times throughout the day and basically used like "smurf" was, "Jude bye bye."  It meant a whole host of things, sometimes even that our neighbor Jude was going bye bye.  That's still in his lexicon, but then, for a lovely while, a new phrase, my favorite, overtook "Jude bye bye."  That phrase was "I love Momma" which over time morphed into "I love Mommy."  This was also used like smurf, but certainly mostly to tell me and everyone else how much he loved me.  However, now the phrase that has taken the number one position is "Ew.  Gwoek."  That can refer to many things, most of which really seem to be gwoek to Aidan, including fur balls, lots of things the meows do, drool, a drop of spilled milk, a diaper, a piece of lettuce after happily eating that same piece of lettuce for quite some time, and then resuming eating that piece of lettuce after the "ew gwoek" proclamation, etc.  It's super adorable, but I still prompt him to say I Love Mommy whenever possible.

Friday, August 17, 2012

And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program

Tomorrow Eric comes home!  Yes!  I am so happy and so are the boys.  Yet this week went by quickly, and it was very fun.  The kids were so well behaved and thoughtful and sweet.  Sure, there was some yelling, but that would have been true even with Eric home, because when you have three little boys sometimes you have to be a drill sargent.  But other times you get to swim around a big pool in Lake Geneva or play spies or read books about da Bears.  (Did you know Sid Luckman took a job coaching the Columbia University football team and refused to be paid for it, insisting the money go to deserving students who wouldn't otherwise be able to attend Columbia.  What an incredible guy!  And can you even imagine a college football coach doing something like that today?)  The cutest and saddest part of the week was when we were video chatting with Eric and Aidan reached his arms up to the computer so Eric could pick him up, and then he started crying because Eric didn't pick him up.  If he would start to miss Eric it usually seemed to help if I told him "Daddy's on a big plane up in the sky." And Aidan would reply happily, "Oh wow!"  So in Aidan's mind Eric's been flying since he left.  I guess he sort of thinks of Eric as an astronaut.
Happy trails.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Stinky Thing in the Air

(from Liam since we still can't access his blog Ghostbusters Chute.)

Hello!  Today I woke up as early as my new school will start.  I got to play with Maddy while Grandma and Grandpa were here.  I don't know what I'm going to do later.  We tried to attack the big kids with Nerf swords and things.  Right now I am having dessert - it's chocolate covered ice cream.  Bye!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Oh! Something!

(This is Liam's blog for Daddy today, because I can't get into his.)

We're going to Kidsnips today.  I have a very good feeling I am going to go in the alligator again today.  I hope I'll get a treat at the end.  Yesterday, when we went to the party after your airport ride, I was punting some crazy high punts with Brennan.  And I was batting really far with Jon.  And I got more desserts than Mommy thought I would.  I'm not sure which car I will pick today at Kidsnips.  I mean, which toy car.  What are you doing?  I think I'll pick another red car like the one that just broke.  What did you see in London?  What does your room look like?  I think I'll pick Spongebob for the movie at KidSnips.  huh-huhu-huh done!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Well That's Plain Weird

Eric and I are always discussing where we want to live.  Maybe Colorado, maybe California, maybe Ireland, maybe ???.  While we toss around ideas we just stay right here where we are.  I picked up an ARC of the book Paris in Love a while back and it definitely played straight into my ideas about making some sort of move, but still I don't know where.  So one night Eric and I were watching the Olympics and standing in the midst of all the sleek, shaved heads was this guy Evan Jager and I thought for a second I was looking 20 years into the future and seeing my own Brando out on the track.  And I thought wow, this kid probably grew up running along the beach somewhere and here he is now running in the steeplechase.  So I decided it all then and there.  I said to Eric, wherever this guy is from, that's where we should move.  And I looked him up and...tension mounting...excitement building...he's from Algonquin.  Algonquin, IL.  Yep, so back to studying suggestions from The Weather of the Future.  Darn it.