Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Brendan still is trying to adjust to Eric not working from home, which means he alternates between being the cutest, sweetest little redhead ever and then turning into whatever the exact opposite of that is.

Liam had soccer after school so I had to wake Aidan and Brendan up from naps to go get him and bring him to soccer. This was not fun.

Aidan is still the best baby ever. He sleeps sometimes 10 hours a night!! I mean a lot of times. Other times he sleeps 8. You don't have to do anything to make him go to sleep. It's the craziest thing. You put him in his crib and he goes to bed. Voila! Insane! And he can talk. Trust me, Eric and my dad didn't believe it either but now they know. Liam and Brendan could actually talk in sentences around 18 months. Aidan can say 3 things since he was only a month and a half. I know it's not possible but ask the former skeptics, it's true.

Somehow after a 40 minute debacle trying to go in the backyard to play on the swings, we were all set to go when I noticed Liam's tongues of his shoes were pushed down. I said, "Liam, what's wrong with your shoes?" and he almost started crying. I said "What's the matter, it's no big deal." And then he told me how he accidentally stepped in the toilet. This was 2 hours ago and I still have no idea how this is possible. The good news is it happened when he was going to wash his hands so the toilet was clean. It was just an accident, that's all. If you understand let me know. I'd appreciate it.

I'm supposed to be in class right now.


Rae said...

Did he try to stand on the toilet to reach the sink?

Donna said...

Yes! :o) He likes to drink water out of the faucet. Never had this particular incident though, silly kid. I wonder when he was planning on telling me if I hadn't asked about his shoes?! :o)

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

I don't think he planned on telling you at all;)

Oh, and I don't believe you. I don't believe that there is such a thing as a baby that goes to sleep just because you put them in their crib. LIES! vicious LIES! such a creature does not exist.