Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ouch, That Stings

Me: Good night, Liam, I love you.
(kiss, hug)
Liam: I love you too, Mommy.
Me: Good night, Brendan. I love you.
Brendan: Good night.
Me: Can you give Mommy a kiss, Brendan?
Brendan: No way, Elmo.


Eric said...

All manner of requests are denied with a "No way Elmo" these days. Tough times...

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

I don't get it- is that something they say on Sesame Street all the time?

that little stinker.

Donna said...

It's an itty bitty throwaway line in a book he has (they're too little for Seasame Street tv) but somehow he has clung to it and made it his own.

3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

That is a great line! You will continue to have hilarious stories as he and Liam get older. Glad you are still blogging so I can laugh and live vicariously through your downtown adventure!!!