Sunday, June 14, 2009

Maseratis, Aston Martins and Rick Bayless

Sequentially I should post my After pictures of the yard, but I want to wait til they finish the casings on the back windows first.
Yesterday /last night was awesome. In celebration of 8 years of marriage, we dropped dos bambinos at the grandparents for lunch, then Eric and I got a bunch of stuff done including (finally!) ordering new countertops (bye bye Brady Bunch, we won't miss you!) and other miscellaneous jazz (how romantic. We ran into an Action Ridge neighbor that afternoon and she said her husband NEVER took her to Home Depot to celebrate their anniversary, poor lady.) Then we went downtown for drinks at Fado and dinner at Frontera Grill. It was seriously the best food I've ever had in my life, and the margaritas were insanely good. We forced ourselves to eat almost everything we got because we had never had such an extraordinary meal, and no one else seemed to be taking doggie bags. :o) Eric was excited because there was a bevy of upscale cars outside to oogle as well. Like a little touch of L.A. on Clark. Dinner was at 9 and we thought about going to a midnight movie afterward, but decided to come home instead and SLEEP! G&G Z were having a sleepover with the grandkids, which meant we got to sleep in today AND do my favorite lazy thing ever, which is wake up, eat breakfast and then go BACK to bed. It was truly fantastical.
Tomorrow our itty bitty 3rd bedroom will be magically transformed into a itty bitty purple and green playroom. I'll try to post before and after pics, as I know you are just DYING to see the metamorphosis.
Oh, and now I certainly CANNOT get that Eagles song Life's Been Good out of my head. "My Maserati does 185, I lost my license, now I don't drive." That's been with me since I asked Eric last night, "So a Maerati's a really expensive car?" and he laughed in my face, realized I wasn't joking and as he tried to explain it to me I sang that lyric and he said, "Yes, exctally. It's what rockstars drive."
Oh, and on our way downtown Eric was trying to make a call on the OnStar and it misheard him: Eric's response: Dammit
Onstar: Now calling - Eric.
Ok, who wants to have the next sleepover with the kids? They were apparently quite good. Lemme know.


3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

I feel like I got to go downtown and sleep in too. Your narratives are so fun to read. How were the kiddos when they returned? I hope you do post before and after pics, I love those home makeover things... you know what I mean, those shows, what are they called? Anyways, let's email sometime soon. Hi to the big boys!!!

Rae said...

Congrats on 8 years together! Sounds like you had a nice annivesary!
Love, Rae

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

oh my gosh, that sounds heavenly!! muchly jealous.

and thanks a lot, now that song is in my head, too.

diedendidit said...

I had no idea that song was an Eagles song.

And, congratulations on sleep and many moons of marital stability.