Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So, we got new sod and a flat backyard! I will post pictures when Eric reconnects some mythical computer wires. I have to say it looks waaaaaay better and I want to be featured on one of those Home and Garden shows. Now we just need a patio and maybe a fence and we will have a kickin' backyard. (A very strange and unexpected crop of mushrooms has started popping up in the new sod. I am not sure if they are magical, but I hope they will quickly go away. Although they are kind of cute. In a weird way only mushrooms and pigs noses can be.)

I don't like how people at my work and nearby schools are getting swine flu. Not many people are dying of it, but it's still not something I want to contract. Also it isn't yet flu season, so that'll be the real test. Sometimes working in a public place is a germy thing to do. However, I cannot express how much I LOVE having an 8 minute commute, especially since I can get there faster walking than driving. That's pretty sweet. Eric and I are very eco-friendly when it comes to commuting.

I was talking today with our extra-stellar mailman, and he was lambasting the USPS, sort of. He said they now frown upon mailmen getting to know the people on their route, and everything is about doing it faster, but not better. He's a cool dude and more postmen should be like him. And always ring twice.

This week is turning out to be a very cute baby-ful week indeed. In addition to my own very cute babies (and in Ireland Liam still qualifies as an "Infant") I got to see one very cute little 6 month old girl on Tuesday and will hopefully get to see two very cute 2 month old twins on Friday. Liam is uber-excited, and based on his success with Mason has proposed teaching 2 month old Charlie to walk tomorrow.
Tomorrow we also are lining up our weekly babysitter AND getting the last of our new windows. And we (Eric) got a new faucet but (Eric)broke something so we need to get a plumber. And we are turning the 3rd bedroom into a playroom so we have a painter coming for that on Monday. And last but not least we will hopefully be getting new countertops sometime soon, and hopefully we will have finished painting out cabinets by then too. Though for a while we might have black cabinets and orange countertops, and nothing could be more rad. And on that note we will be celebrating our anniversary with a over-night away from the little guys and a good dinner by one of our favorite channel 11 chefs. After that I will need a four month vacation to recuperate.


Eric said...

The new faucet looks and works great, you might mention. Just cause nary a water shutoff valve in our house works isn't my fault. And that pipe downstairs is barely dripping at all.

Donna said...

Headline in next week's Trib: Wife's Blog Bashes Husband's Plumbing, Husband Sue for Mental Anguish.
Truly Eric, the sink rocks! Great job!