Wednesday, April 17, 2013


This morning I asked Aidan who the president is.  He couldn't remember.  I said "Barack..." he still couldn't remember.  I said "Barack O...." and he should "Obama! I LOVE Barack Obama.  He says, 'Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas.'"

Well, ok then! 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rainy Day Chicago, Take 3

I don't mind the rain, but can't the weather get just a little warmer? 

So my test for GD was all good, 11 weeks of pregnancy to go, nothing more to say about that!

Booked our cottage for a week in August. 

Have a large man connecting our tv antenna outside today, not sure why he wanted to come when it's raining but he thought it would take 2 hours and it took 4.  I'm happy he's still alive, honestly.  The best part of having workers over is that it is endless entertainment for the boys.  I am thinking of taking Liam out of school early when we get our new roof so he can watch.  Is that weird?

Liam is in 1.6k activities at the moment.  Much as I try not to let that happen it just somehow does.  Poor firstborn; it's all a learning curve with them.  But there are a lot of advantages too.  I wonder, they have all this research on your position in the family, oldest youngest middle.  So will Brendan AND Aidan be middle?  And in my family, are Diane through Linda and the 5 in between them the middle?

Time to switch the laundry, folks!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Rambling Updates

Aidan - he really likes pickles.  He likes them so much I feel I need to hide the jar so that my entire stock is not depleted. 

Aidan will now refer to himself as Aidan (as opposed to AA), but continues to insist on calling his brothers LeeLee and Brenmahn.

Liam + cooped up during winter = bad combination.  Now that we're sooo enmeshed in this neighborhood, I see yet another reason why we really need to move to California or Colorado.  Oi vey.

I have my GD blood draw Monday and I hope hope hope I don't have that most of all because my nausea is so bad that I have to eat what I need to eat when I need to eat it, and I can't add any further restrictions to my diet than I already have imposed on myself. And I already feel like I am eating so much worse than my usual diet, because of the fact I am so sick, I will feel super guilty if it's affected my bloodsugar. 

We are in the process of booking a weeklong trip to a beach in Michigan on homeaway.  So excited!  Some of the houses I really like were already booked (or $4000/week) and there were two I really liked but one only was available the 3rd week in August and we don't know yet when school starts.  So we picked the other one that looks pretty rad but maybe a little less awesome of a beach and we'll see if they have the availability they said they do.  I hope this new baby likes car rides!

There are a lot of people who have 3, 4 and even 5 kids.  This makes me feel less like a reality tv show.  Phew.  That, plus NPR's advertising campaign - excellent.

Today is WARM!  Today is SUNNY!  Today I feel human.  Oh, why are flurries in the forecast?

We went to Minneapolis last week to see the city and visit Eric's aunt.  Rather successful trip, but getting in at midnight and getting home at 11pm Saturday night seriously wrecked up our schedules.  Not recovered yet. 

Oh, I conveniently forgot to mention that while I intended to book two nights in Minneapolis at a hotel I knew had no pool, then two nights at a hotel which I thought did have a pool, both our hotels had no pool.  The bad time to learn this is when we're in the hotel room with the boys in their swimsuits.  Ouch, that stings.  We were on the 27th floor though, so that's cool - right?  And instead of the pool we went to a Robotics competition at the university and the boys really loved it.  The robots were throwing frisbees!  Other highlights were:
- the flour mill tour, sounds lame but was eerily like the Guinness tour and the views were cool but don't believe it when you read you get fresh baked cookies in the end (which I was thinking sounded like an ok alternative to the Guinness I can't have anyway)
- hanging out with Eric's cool aunt
- exploring the city
- probably other stuff but I forgot

I still am nauseous morning til night, just in case you were wondering.