Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ugh and Cheerio

If any lucky soul out there is wondering, is it possible to still have daily morning sickness at 18 weeks, the password is...YES.  Ughhhh....  On a happier pregnancy note, I can feel the baby move now.  It started on Wed at Liam's piano lesson.  With Aidan I swear to you I could feel him moving at something like 13 or 14 weeks.    This kid, 17 weeks.  Maybe he won't be the contortionist that Aidan is. 

We have two weeks to decide if we want to know the sex of the bambino.  I'm mostly leaning toward no, and honestly feel very, very sure he is a boy.  The only reason I'd want to know now is just for practical getting rid of clothes reasons.  But who knows how it'll play out when the time comes. 

I just watched the first season of Downton Abbey.  Loved it.  Obsessed.  So happy I have another full season to watch, wish I could pace myself better. 

Must go, morning sickness, ever the bane of my existence. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

FWIW, I've barely gotten rid of anything, because I'm so paranoid the idiot ultrasound tech who ruined the surprise for us also shot the wrong angle and it's actually a girl and that was just her umbilical cord. But I hear you on wanting to purge all the baby clothes you're not going to use, because WOW, there are a lot of them.