Sunday, November 20, 2011


If Liam gets the a-ok on his appointment on the 30th he will get the picc line out, which will be so so awesome. It will also be the 32nd day of his illness. That is truly insane. We're starting the 10 day count-down. I don't even want to mention how excited I am for December, lest I jinx that. And if you don't believe in jinxing, let me tell you this story. The week before he got sick we were at a friend's house and the kids were learning to ride their bikes without training wheels. (We were at Liam's friend Meghan's house learning, because she had just learned over the weekend so Liam, Brendan and her little bro who is 4 were all learning together.) I was talking with their mom Peggy about another of Liam's classmates whose little sister had just been hospitalized for pneumonia. I told Peggy, "Knock on wood my kids have never had any weird illnesses, the worst has been a 24 hour stomach bug and an ear infection." Yep, not 5 days later Liam got the plague.

Today, I am hoping to finish my very last essay for grad school. I started it yesterday but didn't make too much progress, though starting it is often the hardest part for me. But it's in my Audiovisual Preservation class and I really have been out of my element in that class. They lost me at vinegar syndrome. My professor is super awesome. He's young and works at the Library of Congress, and his boss is...the Librarian of Congress. You pretty much can't get any cooler than that, right? Also he reminds me of my supervisor at work, and I think they both went through the cinema studies program at UIUC so it makes a lot of sense. And both of them have been so kind to me throughout the whole ordeal of the last month. I feel so lucky to have such an awesome job and awesome colleagues, not to mention the best family and friends.

One positive and unintended consequence of this whole thing is that since I didn't sleep at home for 4 (or was it 5? I'm already repressing) nights Aidan got weaned and is a much better sleeper. Always look on the bright side of life...when you're chewing on life's gristle, don't grumble give a whistle...

Did I mention Brendan and Aidan came down with colds the night before Liam came home from the hospital, and have passed it on to me?


Rae said...

Liam will be able to write a short story about his "lost November". So glad he's on the mend.

3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

Whoa! I am SO glad he will be getting the Picc line out soon! I have not been on here in awhile and am shocked to hear of this illness! What hospital were you at? Oh my goodness, I can't even imagine the strain of being in the hospital and having little ones at home! Thankfully N graduated from the hospital before A was born. Hopefully the food and warm blankets were good:)

Congrats on being so so super close to almost donw with grad school. knowing that you see your light at the end of the tunnel is (darn) not making mine seem any shorter...but encouraging me to do this LATE homework that I'm putting off this very second.

Donna said...

Thanks Kelly! We miss you here! I totally should have gotten advice from you about hospitals. :o) We were at Children's Memorial. They were really good to us. I am so glad to hear Noah is doing so much better nowadays. I cannot BELIEVE the pictures of how big he is! Please tell Carlton we say hi, and you keep on chugging. It doesn't go faster than you'd expect, but it is a great feeling when you're done. I'm gonna go check your blog now and see if there are any updates. :o)

Donna said...

Oh my gosh, Kelly - I didn't know there'd be THAT kind of news! Congratulations!!! :o)