Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Little Vacation That Could(n't, Did)

On Friday Eric and I decided to take an impromptu trip downtown with the little guys. The Marriott had great rates and we could get 5000 bonus points while enjoying our skyline view of the city from our 38th floor windows, so why not, right? The plan was to leave right after Eric got off of work at 4:30. We made reservations at the Buca by the hotel for 5:45. But, true to form, Brendan decided to take a very short nap, after which he came downstairs and fell asleep at 4:20. Liam, who doesn't take a nap anymore, took a nap at 3:30. Eric and I tried to quickly pack up our two backpacks without forgetting any of the many things we would probably forget, and then we woke up the boys. Liam was an utter wreck. Really. I can sympathize, because I often feel like that after naps, but I think I deal with it better. By the time we got out the door it was 5:00. When we were still waiting to get through the Cumberland toll at 5:45 we changed the reservation to 6:30. When we weren't even at Irving Park Road by 6:15 we called and canceled the reservation and tried to think of somewhere we could go off the expressway. Did I mention we are trying to have the boys in bed and asleep by 8:30? Eric thought of a few places but I wanted to get further into the city. An exit or two before Nagle Brendan really wanted to get out of the car (where we'd been for an hour and a half.) We offered fruit snacks and Liam was in but Brendan said no. Brendan never says no to fruit snacks. Soon we found out why, because about 30 seconds later he starting throwing up all over. Awesome! Apparently he is unused to driving in stop and go traffic and he got car sick. Boy did he ever. The same thing happened to Liam when he was about Brendan's age and I was going into the city at about the same time of day to meet up with some AmeriCorps friends. I forgot about the traffic, but that didn't help at this point. Anyway, there was no way we could clean Brendan off and put him back in the car seat, which along with his clothes took the brunt of the disaster. So we pulled off at Nagle, took all his clothes off (fortunately he was not wearing his coat - thank you God!) and washed him off (yes, it was 30 degrees), took the clothes and the car seat to some alley trash area, and I sat in the back with Brendan on my lap while we went to the Addison Target and bought a booster seat for Liam. Crisis averted. By the time we got downtown at 7:40 we were still able to get right in to Buca, and then we went back to the hotel, explored a little, skipped the pool and went back to our room. Brendan fell asleep relatively easily because Eric and I were there and he was tired. Eric and I decided to watch tv and Liam decided to join us. Late night tv is not appropriate for 4 year olds, but Liam really loved Conan. I'm with him. Conan's way better than Jay Leno, and I'm glad Liam has such good taste. He laughed at all the right places even though he had no idea what they were talking about. I fell asleep during Craig Ferguson (who in my humble opinion is the absolute best talk show host beside Johnny Carson, hands down), which may seem like a sort of dull vacation, but for me and Eric it was blissful. We almost never get to watch tv and almost never get to fall asleep when we want to. The next morning we woke up, went to breakfast, went to the pool, picked up some delicious Thai from Lincoln Square, picked up Liam's bday party cake for his kids' birthday party tomorrow, and got home by 2:30. I'm so happy we decided to chuck the car seat and go on with the trip. It might seem wasteful but actually that car seat was almost at the end of it's life as it was, so it would have been gone soon anyway. We were most disappointed about the cool pants Brendan had on, but we had no where to keep them until we went home the next day, so c'est la vie. Oh, and Liam and Brendan were both amazing in the pool and they met a friend, Megan, who Liam wanted to invite back to our room. I don't know if it's preschool or what but he's really coming out of his shell a lot more, and Brendan has been getting all shy and clingly. So I guess these are all just stages. And so too hopefully is Brendan's dreadful dreadful sleep. Hopefully next week we'll have some better game plan for that. But for right now we just have Liam's final 4th birthday party tomorrow. Who thinks I'll remember to bring the camera?


Rae said...

Are you having he party at home or somewhere else?

I think it is hilarious that you guys went to Buca on Friday. That's one of the places we have a gift certificate to that we were going to go to. :-)

Have a great day!

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

that's my Target! I'm surprised I didn't see you there, because I live there and never leave.

I'm glad the vacation was fun. it...doesn't really sound like it? But it's totally the little things anymore, isn't it?

Donna said...

Ramie, we had the party at a place called Little Village Playplace. It actually was awesome. That would have been so cool to have run into either one of you ladies this weekend. But it was just soooooo nice to have a little time away from home and it was very relaxing except for the "incident." :o) Also just being in the Loop is so invigorating, especially in the cold. Chicago is the bext city ever.

3 carltons and 2 kellies said...

watching tv in a hotel room sounds amazing to me! poor brendan! Wow, I can't believe that your guys are getting so big now. They always were "the big boys," but slow down, will ya?

I wish I could transport you to Mi. Then maybe we'd have a chance to actually hang out for, what, the second time?