A few weeks ago, when the weather started getting better, we noticed that Brendan started saying, "Die, die, die, die" very excitedly. I'm not going to lie, it was disconcerting. Eric was the one who finally figured out the translation, "outside." Phew. Brendan, like most children, reallllllllllly loves to be outside. It makes me look with a whole new fondness toward our days in southern California. You literally could go out 365 days a year. Wow.
Today we got out and Liam got to play with a neighbor. Five hours later as he's taking his nap (and I'm trying to take one of my own in my bedroom down the hall) he calls out to me,
"Mom! Mommy! Have you ever heard of Starbucks?!"
"Yes," I answered.
"No, but not the Caribou Starbucks. Starbucks the movie. Have you heard of that?"
"No," I replied.
"It's where they're fighting, but it's not real. It's just pretend."
Then a lightbulb went off and I remembered the 4 year old neighbor.
"Do you mean Star Wars?" I shouted back.
"Yes, that's it," he said.
"Yes, I've heard of that. I'll tell you about it later."
Well, I'm off to write my last paper for Use and Users of Information. Woohoo!
update - didn't write even one sentence of my paper, still went to bed at 12:30. uuuuuuhhhhhh....:o(
oh my, laughing out loud, still. I love Liam. But, sorry about your paper :( I remember those days.
Ok, so I'm behind on reading your blog, but you HAVE to see this, if you haven't already...
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