Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Noble Kings and Princes

Every day, I complain about something. I'm not proud of that, but I know I do. Yet I also think I do have a real appreciation for all that I have, so much so that I'm always a little worried it's TOO good. Recently I've been realizing how I live better than almost all the past kings and queens ever did. They never had indoor plumbing, heating and air conditioning, cars, top notch medical practices, delicious food of every kind and culture at their fingertips, etc. etc. It's pretty amazing to think that you live better than a queen. I once told a friend some advice that I was told. Before you walk down the aisle at your wedding, stop for a minute and really take it all in, look at the people and the church and experience it, because it goes by so fast and most of it's a blur. She reminded me of that in the Christmas card she sent me this year, and I immediately went to the Living Room and watched my boys playing and then made them come over and give me a hug. (Ok, Aidan was in the entertainment saucer, but he was watching.) Anyway, I wish I would complain less, but I am happy that I pretty much know how lucky I am and really do appreciate it every day. But a lot of times I feel like my hamster and just want to eat my kids because I love them so much. (well, at least that's the reason I would eat my kids. In her case it might have been some other reason.) So in the midst of baking and present wrapping I'm going to stop and take it all in once and a while too.


Crabby Apple Seed: said...


I never thought of it that way.

Leave it to you, Wise Donna. That's as good as "the days are long but the years are short".

Unknown said...

Good stuff Donna E.