Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Last Day of Brendan the Two-Year-Old

and a quintessential picture reflecting Brendan's morning attitude versus Liam's...

For a boy who's seemed like he was three since the age of one and a half, I'm still surprised Brendan is going to be three tomorrow. Mixed emotions for Mommy but Brendan's pretty psyched about his big day. I wonder though, with his newfound big-boy-ness, will he still say things like,

Mom, is this the right feet?

That's where we go for fwinmmin lessons

Do you want me to do (insert various assorted dangerous things here), or no?

I didn't do nothin naughty

Stupid (or fat or hate) is not nice

Don't forget my vitaminins

What?! That's incredibal!!

I'm not fussin, I'm just laughin

I gotch ya

I sleeped good, are you happy?

I'm not sayin poopoo, because poopoo is potty talk. you shouldn't say poopoo so I'm not gonna just keep sayin poopoo, poopoo, poopoo, poopoo. Well I'm just sayin, poopoo's not nice because you shouldn't say poopoo. or butt.

No, I amn't


Rae said...

Brendan is a morning person? Child after my own heart. Happy Birthday!

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

seriously, the big problem with the morning children is that you never, ever get to sleep until you wake up, unless you wake up at 4am. the big plus is having them in bed by 7:30:)

Happy belated to my favorite godchild:)

Donna said...

Ah, but if you get a morning child AND an evening child, as I did, well that's just plain bedlam! :o)
ps. You favorite godchild wants to hang out and hear stories about Love's.